Maverick Spend: Strategies to Control Unmanaged Expenses

Tori Katz
March 20, 2024

In the world of business, getting the right stuff at the right time is crucial. That's where procurement software steps in. It's like a turbo boost for your purchasing game, helping you buy smarter, save cash, and keep your operation running smoothly.

Maverick spend, or rogue spending, often flies under the radar but can have significant implications for a company’s bottom line and operational efficiency. Understanding, tracking, and controlling maverick spend is crucial for employees and entrepreneurs in the US who are aiming for optimized procurement processes. This comprehensive guide will dive deep into what maverick spend is, its impact, and how to effectively manage it with the help of technology and best practices.

What Is Maverick Spend?

Maverick spend, or unregulated purchasing, occurs when purchases are made outside of a company's approved procurement procedures and contracts. This deviation from standard processes often leads to expenses that are neither authorized nor monitored. 

Key reasons for such behavior include employees' unawareness of existing procurement guidelines, the perceived difficulty in adhering to these rules, the need for immediate purchases, or the assumption that better deals are available elsewhere.

To combat maverick spending, companies must first understand its underlying causes. This knowledge allows them to develop targeted strategies aimed at eliminating the root issues. Implementing such strategies can enhance compliance with procurement policies and improve the overall efficiency of the purchasing process.

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Identifying Maverick Spending

Maverick spending can sneak in through minor unauthorized purchases or escalate to significant, unapproved expenses. It's marked by using vendors not on the approved list, buying in excess, or spending above the agreed prices. This results in untracked, extra costs. To spot and stop it, consider these tactics:

  • Regular Audits: Schedule routine checks of purchases to ensure they align with company policies and contracts.
  • Preferred Vendor Lists: Make a list of approved vendors and ensure it's easily accessible to all employees to discourage off-list buying.
  • Purchase Approvals: Implement a system where larger or unusual purchases need a sign-off from a manager or the procurement department.
  • Training and Awareness: Educate employees about procurement policies, the importance of adhering to them, and the consequences of maverick spending.
  • Technology Solutions: Use procurement software that flags purchases made outside of approved vendors or over pre-set amounts.
  • Feedback Channels: Establish a way for employees to report difficulties in following procurement procedures or to suggest improvements.

These strategies can help detect maverick spending early, preventing unnecessary expenses and ensuring compliance with procurement guidelines.

The Impact of Maverick Spend on Operational Efficiency and Compliance

Maverick spending impacts more than the company's budget. It creates procurement inefficiencies, damages supplier relationships, and raises compliance risks. When employees bypass approved purchasing channels, the company misses out on negotiated discounts and contracts, leading to scattered spending and reduced leverage in negotiations. 

This behavior also threatens compliance, particularly in regulated sectors, by ignoring protocols for product and vendor approval.

  • Increased Costs: Without leveraging negotiated contracts and discounts, companies face higher expenses.
  • Procurement Inefficiencies: Maverick spending complicates the procurement process, slowing down operations.
  • Damaged Supplier Relationships: Ignoring preferred suppliers can weaken established relationships and future negotiations.
  • Compliance Risks: Bypassing approved vendors and products can violate industry regulations, leading to legal and financial repercussions.
  • Reduced Bargaining Power: Fragmented spending diminishes a company's negotiating leverage with suppliers.
  • Operational Disruptions: Unplanned purchases can interfere with the flow of operations and supply chain management.

The Financial Impact of Maverick Spending

Maverick spending's true cost extends beyond the immediate price discrepancies. It involves the administrative burden of correcting off-policy purchases, the risks associated with legal and regulatory non-compliance, and the detrimental effects on supplier partnerships. These factors collectively lead to expenditures that surpass budgeted amounts, undercutting profits through additional, often overlooked, financial strains.

Consider a mid-sized technology firm, TechFlow Inc., which annually budgets $10 million for IT hardware and software. In one fiscal year, due to maverick spending, the company ends up purchasing $1.2 million in IT equipment and software outside of its negotiated contracts. These unauthorized purchases include:

  • Buying at rates 15% higher than contractually agreed prices, due to missing out on bulk purchase discounts.
  • Incurring an additional $50,000 in administrative costs to reconcile and integrate these off-contract purchases with existing systems.
  • Facing a $30,000 fine for non-compliance with software licensing agreements, a direct result of bypassing approved procurement channels.
  • Experiencing a 5% increase in subsequent contract negotiations' costs with long-term suppliers, who are frustrated by the inconsistency and perceived lack of loyalty, amounting to an additional $500,000 over the next contract period.

In total, maverick spending not only directly cost TechFlow Inc. an extra $200,000 beyond the initial unauthorized $1.2 million but also indirectly led to future increased costs and fines, totaling an estimated loss of over $780,000 when factoring in the ripple effects on negotiations and compliance penalties. This example underscores the hidden, compounded costs of maverick spending beyond the initial price tag, highlighting the importance of stringent procurement compliance for maintaining financial health.

Effective Strategies for Monitoring Maverick Spending

To monitor maverick spending, organizations must first define what counts as approved versus unapproved expenditures. Essential to this process is the deployment of an advanced procurement system that encompasses the management of purchase orders, immediate analysis of expenditures, and strict approval processes. 

The system should be capable of flagging transactions that deviate from established guidelines. Conducting routine audits and generating detailed spending reports are crucial for spotting trends in non-compliant purchasing. These steps enable prompt corrective actions to curb unauthorized spending.

  • Define Approved Spending: Clearly outline what is considered compliant and non-compliant spending within the company.
  • Implement a Procurement System: Use technology that supports purchase order management, real-time spending analysis, and strict approval workflows.
  • Establish Approval Processes: Set up stringent procedures for purchase approvals to prevent unauthorized spending.
  • Conduct Routine Audits: Regularly audit spending to identify and address instances of maverick spending promptly.
  • Generate Detailed Reports: Create comprehensive spending reports to spot trends and patterns in non-compliant purchasing.
  • Flag Unapproved Transactions: Ensure the procurement system can automatically alert when a purchase deviates from approved guidelines.
  • Educate Employees: Train staff on procurement policies and adhering to approved spending practices.
  • Review and Adjust Policies: Periodically reassess procurement policies and adjust them as needed to close loopholes and reduce maverick spending.

Technologies and Tools to Monitor and Control Maverick Spend

To monitor maverick spending, organizations must first define what counts as approved versus unapproved expenditures. Essential to this process is the deployment of an advanced procurement system that encompasses the management of purchase orders, immediate analysis of expenditures, and strict approval processes. 

The system should be capable of flagging transactions that deviate from established guidelines. Conducting routine audits and generating detailed spending reports are crucial for spotting trends in non-compliant purchasing. These steps enable prompt corrective actions to curb unauthorized spending.

  • Define Approved Spending: Clearly outline what is considered compliant and non-compliant spending within the company.
  • Implement a Procurement System: Use technology that supports purchase order management, real-time spending analysis, and strict approval workflows.
  • Establish Approval Processes: Set up stringent procedures for purchase approvals to prevent unauthorized spending.
  • Conduct Routine Audits: Regularly audit spending to identify and address instances of maverick spending promptly.
  • Generate Detailed Reports: Create comprehensive spending reports to spot trends and patterns in non-compliant purchasing.
  • Flag Unapproved Transactions: Ensure the procurement system can automatically alert when a purchase deviates from approved guidelines.
  • Educate Employees: Train staff on procurement policies and the importance of adhering to approved spending practices.
  • Review and Adjust Policies: Periodically reassess procurement policies and adjust them as needed to close loopholes and reduce maverick spending.

3 Strategies for Controlling Maverick Spend

  • Educational Initiatives and Clear Communication

Conducting regular training and maintaining open communication about procurement rules are crucial. This approach helps in making sure all team members grasp the significance of following these guidelines. 

By discussing the negative impacts of maverick spending and the positives of compliance, organizations can nurture an environment where adhering to procurement processes is valued.

Simplifying the process for making approved purchases can deter individuals from bypassing the system. Introducing easy-to-use procurement software that includes a list of pre-approved vendors and contracts encourages employees to make compliant decisions. When the system is straightforward and efficient, the following protocol becomes the easiest option for everyone.

  • Ongoing Monitoring and Policy Refinement

Keeping a continuous watch on spending patterns, particularly in areas prone to loss of savings, and analyzing procurement data through purchasing systems, ensures that maverick spending and rogue spending are kept to a minimum. This approach involves ongoing monitoring of spend categories, including indirect spend and tail spend, which are often overlooked yet significant. By making necessary adjustments to the purchasing policy, businesses can tackle issues related to non-preferred suppliers and unapproved vendor engagements that lead to operational risks.

The importance of reviews

Establishing regular reviews that involve input from the procurement team, finance team, and operational staff, along with feedback from vendors, including preferred and non-preferred vendors, can highlight process inefficiencies and compliance issues. These reviews are crucial for the procurement process, aiming to illuminate areas of rogue spend and maverick buying, and opportunities for refining procurement strategies to address new challenges as they arise, ensuring adherence to established purchasing policies and minimizing the risk of a breach of contract.

Importance for Bussines

For businesses, particularly in the United States, managing maverick spending and the procurement process efficiently is essential for preserving operational effectiveness, remaining compliant with regulations, and safeguarding financial stability against loss of savings. 

This includes addressing the challenges posed by procurement professionals when dealing with non-preferred suppliers and compliance issues related to procurement practices. By embracing technological solutions, adopting best practices in professional services, and promoting a culture of compliance and ongoing monitoring, companies can effectively reduce the risks and expenses linked to unauthorized purchases and procurement professionals' rogue spend. 

How ControlHub is key player?

ControlHub positions itself as a key player in this field by offering the necessary tools and insights for optimizing procurement strategies, managing tail spend, and minimizing expenditures on non-preferred vendors, thereby reducing operational risks and enhancing compliance. 

This approach supports the finance team in maintaining a robust purchasing policy and fosters a partnership with procurement professionals to secure the company’s bottom line from loss of savings and contractual risks.

FAQs: Control Maverick Spend - A Guide for Employees and Entrepreneurs

1. What is maverick spending?

Maverick spending, also known as rogue spending, occurs when purchases are made outside of a company's approved procurement processes and contracts. This leads to unauthorized expenses that are not monitored, affecting the company's budget and operational efficiency.

2. Why do employees engage in maverick spending?

Employees may resort to maverick spending due to unawareness of existing procurement guidelines, perceived difficulties in following these rules, the urgency of immediate purchases, or the belief that better deals are available elsewhere.

3. How does maverick spending affect a company's operational efficiency and compliance?

Maverick spending impacts a company by creating procurement inefficiencies, damaging supplier relationships, and raising compliance risks. It prevents the company from leveraging negotiated discounts and contracts, leading to scattered spending and weakened bargaining power.

4. Can you give an example of the financial impact of maverick spending?

An example is TechFlow Inc., which faced a total estimated loss of over $780,000 due to maverick spending. This included buying at rates 15% higher than contracted prices, incurring administrative costs for reconciliation, facing fines for non-compliance, and experiencing increased costs in subsequent contract negotiations.

5. What strategies can be employed to monitor maverick spending effectively?

Effective strategies include defining approved spending, implementing an advanced procurement system with real-time spend analysis and approval workflows, conducting routine audits, generating detailed reports, and educating employees on procurement policies.

6. How can technology be used to control maverick spending?

Technologies and tools like electronic procurement systems, spend analysis software, and procure-to-pay (P2P) solutions can monitor and control maverick spend by providing spend visibility, streamlining approval workflows, ensuring contract compliance, and facilitating spend management.

7. What is the role of preferred suppliers in controlling maverick spend?

Preferred suppliers play a crucial role by being part of a vetted list of vendors that adhere to negotiated prices and quality standards. Directing purchases to these suppliers helps prevent maverick spending and ensures compliance with procurement policies.

8. How does educating employees on procurement policies help in controlling maverick spend?

Educating employees about procurement policies and the importance of adhering to them raises awareness of the consequences of maverick spending. It empowers them to make informed decisions and follow approved purchasing processes, reducing unauthorized spend.

9. What are approval workflows, and how do they help?

Approval workflows are structured processes that require purchases to receive approval from a manager or the procurement department before being finalized. They help control maverick spending by ensuring that all purchases comply with company policies and are authorized.

10. Why is spend tracking important in managing maverick spend?

Spend tracking is vital for maintaining visibility over all company expenditures, identifying patterns of non-compliant purchasing, and enabling timely interventions. It helps companies to stay within budget and enhance operational efficiency by preventing unauthorized spending.

Tori Katz
Content specialist
Tori has a deep expertise in procurement and digital transformation technologies within the hardware industry. Author of extensive guides on strategic procurement practices and technology implementations. Focuses on improving operational efficiency and strategic growth through content.

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